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We are excited that you want to join us here at the Gettysburg School of the Prophetic Harp. Registration will be open until April 5th, the Sunday before classes begin. However, do not wait! If you feel that God wants you to come, register now, and send in your first tuition payment of $250 of ASAP.  

Please apply first, and once you are accepted, you can send in your deposit. You can continue to make payments, or bring your balance on the day you arrive.

The full tuition cost is $750 per student. If you want your spouse and family members to come along, they are welcome.
The cost for non-students is $250 each--this covers housing, meals, and trips. This is an exciting opportunity that your whole family can enjoy!



Don't have a harp? That is all the more reason to register quickly and to let us know of your need. It is possible to obtain rental harps, but we need to know now how many students need to rent. The rental cost is an extra cost of $250. (Please do not wait, because we are not sure how harps can be readied in time.  (It is also, possible to have your rental fee go towards the purchase price, but please let us know of your intent from the beginning.)
Contact Michael David with your harp request.


As an intercessor or worship leader, have you wanted to learn to play harp and enter into and lead others into a place of deep intimacy with the Lord? Do you long to see Jesus touch lives through the playing of the harp and the prophetic song-- as David played to drive the torment away from King Saul?


If these questions resonate in your spirit with YES!, then you should consider attending the Gettysburg School of the Prophetic Harp for a life-changing experience and receive an impartation to minister on the harp!


You can join us, even if you've never touched a harp, or own one. (Details below.)

Register Now!

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