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Prophetic Harp Schools


Each School is unique to its location.


The School of the Prophetic Harp is an intense learning time. We also make every school an unique experience by adding tours and activities that are characteristc to the time and place. Because we allow the Holy Spirit to have his way, miraculous things happen!


Each school is a new memorable adventure. You will find yourself wanting to participate in more than one scho0l! Once you learn what Michael-David and Zsiporah teach, they encourage you to go and share the school with others. As Christ compels us to go into all the world and teach all men,  they want you to teach all men how to worship.

As an intercessor or worship leader, have you wanted to learn to play harp and enter into and lead others into a place of deep intimacy with the Lord? Do you long to see Jesus touch lives through the playing of the harp and the prophetic song?


If these questions resonate in your spirit with YES!, then you should consider attending a School of the Prophetic Harp for a life-changing experience and receive an impartation to minister on the harp!

Michael David Zsiporah CD Music
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