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Special Harp Ministry Team  

September 25-October 4th 2015 

Michael and Zsiporah Took a group of students to Israel on a special Harp Ministry Team  September 25-October 4th 2015 .


This time in Israel was not a School of the Prophetic Harp, but a Ministry Team comprised of those who were either already harpists, or former students.


They took thhe music of the Psalms to the Israeli people at this special time of Sukkot and the final Blood Moon.


Performed mini-concerts at:


1) IDF Base (An Israeli Army Base!)

2) An Israeli elementary School

3) A Seniors Home

4) Aroma Cafe 

5) The Ramparts walk around Jerusalem and Gates

6) Garden Tomb

7) St. Peters Crusader Church in Tiberias, Galilee

8) and maybe somewhere at The Knesset (Israeli Parliament!)


 If you are not familiar with the Blood Moons and the Biblical Historic signifigance please read Johnathan Cahn's book: 

The Mystery of the Shemitah

available on Amazon....​


shalom for now,



Pictures and Special
Blood Moon song
Coming Soon!
School of the Prophetic Harp Jerusalem 2010.
Golden Gate Jerusalem 
City of David SPH 2014 Summer
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